This chapter presents what we see as motormimetic features in musical experience and presents a review of some basic ideas of motormimetic cognition and associated concepts in musical thought in what we call ontological reflections. It details the main elements of music-related body motion and salient features of musical sound. The chapter focuses on motormimetic cognition, we need a kind of 'translator' between the modalities of sound and motion, and seems the phenomenon of amodal shape cognition may serve that purpose. From a motormimetic perspective, sound and motion may be seen as two sides of the same phenomenon. We believe awareness of motormimetic elements in music could be particularly beneficial for more structured artistic practice research. This is based on the belief that the motormimetic rendering of musical sound is a method for becoming more familiar with the sound and a kind of hermeneutic method of tracing musical sound by body motion in order to delve deeper into musical experience.