In the concluding chapter, the characteristics of certain approaches, dwelling on a proactive critical response to the status quo, are presented. These various approaches to searching for “other” architecture, as understood here—and not necessarily fully coinciding with Banham’s definition of une architecture autre—have in common the active intervention into a given moment of social, technological, and architectural reality.

Emerging from real conditions, these developments contain a critical and, in places, a utopian dimension. The requirement for change is expressed by exposing disagreement with the state of things. Through in-depth examination of the concept and typology of the capsule in architecture, including contemporary examples, the characteristics of “other” architecture are also shown, revealing their relevance, potential criticality, and subversiveness in contemporaneity

The most common and crucial themes for the typology of the capsule are highlighted: technology and architectural expression; home, individual, community; relation to land and connection to place; and the idea of retreat and autonomy.