Post-occupancy evaluation (POE) is all about continual improvement through feedback from the results of past projects. It can have a very powerful secondary benefit, which is client relationship building, but that is for some other chapter; in some other book. POE has been around a long time, languishing on the back burner of the architecture stove. Most architects do not want to do POE; they had rather get on with the next project, and chance losing money on it, than search for clues to better practice in the detritus of yesterday's projects. POE is also a key pathway to some of the critical mind-shifts that Davy and Harris discuss. POE is easy for us because it is both project-centric and client-centric. Assertive practitioners know they owe nothing less to themselves and their clients than un-ambivalence. Assertive practitioners figure client selection is the first step toward enhancing their chances of design success, of repeat business, even of new business.