Quality management is a process that starts before a project even begins and touches all aspects of business/internal processes. Anderson Brule Architects (ABA), believes that the quality of the product is profoundly affected by the quality of the process and has spent 34 years in the innovation and improvement of strategically designed processes. The chapter develops a process which is a response to the need to expand the way architects work with their clients in the creation of their environments. ABA's pursuit of 'quality' has been a continuum from innovation, critique, evaluation of outcome and improvement to the creation of a 'new model' for architectural/interior design firms that has grown to encompass strategic planning and master planning. Through the ABA process, clients can improve their own explorations of 'quality' and have the opportunity to enhance their business practices. ABA has become a model firm for the discovery and exploration into new ways of working and thinking within the A/E industry.