This chapter focuses on VBCBC where the coachee has agreed a problem-focused contract, the PF-VBCBC (problem-focused VBCBC). It outlines the features of a problem from a cognitive behavioural perspective and, using the 'AC' components of the ABC framework of coachees' problems, discusses and illustrates one approach to identifying these problems. The chapter also talks about identifying a problem and setting a problem-based goal in problem-focused Very Brief Cognitive Behavioural Coaching. With respect to assessing problems, the chapter argues that it was important to put the problem in a situational context, understand the problematic emotional, behavioural and thinking responses that the coachee makes in that situation and to which adversity the coachee is responding. The chapter also discusses the difficulties that may be encountered along the way with both problem assessing and goal-setting and how the coach can respond productively to these difficulties. Finally, it discusses the case of Geoff to illustrate problem identification and goal-setting in action.