In a separate section, the problem of counting the number of integer

solutions of a linear equation with unit coeÆcients is reduced to a prob-

lem of enumerating combinations. Some basic elements of enumeration of

lattice paths, related to the enumeration of certain combinations, are pre-

sented. The re ection principle, which facilitates the enumeration of lattice

paths, is demonstrated. Moreover, the famous ballot problem that led to

the development of lattice paths is treated. The last section of this chap-

ter is devoted to discussion of several applications in discrete probability

and statistics. Specically, the classical probabilistic problems of the most

benecial bet and the distribution of shares, with which a systematic study

of enumeration of permutations and combinations began, are discussed. In

addition, the Maxwell-Boltzman, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac stochastic

models in statistical mechanics are brie y examined.