In this chapter the basic principles of neural networks and fuzzy systems are introduced along with examples of their application to a range of engineering problems.


The human brain is a massively interconnected structure containing some 1010 of its basic processing elements or neurons, each of which is connected to approximately 104 other neurons. Of the brain's neurons, the great majority are what are referred to as interneurons which carry out what are essentially local processing operations with input and output connections of the order of 100 microns in length. The remaining neurons are used to provide the connections between the regions of the brain, to the various sensory organs and to muscle groups. One result of this massive interconnection, both locally and between the different parts of the brain, is that although different parts of the brain may assume primary responsibility for certain functions, this knowledge is also dis­ tributed to and is accessible from other parts of the brain. Thus if part of the brain is lost, it is in many instances possible through a process of relearning for other sectors of the brain to take over the functions previously primarily asso­ ciated with that part of the brain that has been lost.