Bioinformatics is a science associated to database like activities involving persistent sets of data that are maintained in a consistent state over essentially indefinite periods of time. Thus, bioinformatics is the marriage of biology and information technology. The simplest tasks used in bioinformatics concern the creation and maintenance of databases of biological information. New bioinformatics techniques based on mathematical and statistical algorithms are being continually developed to help interpret genomic information. The rapid advances in computer technology are responsible for the revolution in bioinformatics. Bioinformatics differs from computational biology and bioinformation structure. The most pressing tasks in bioinformatics involve the analysis of sequence information. The development of bioinformatics started with the networking of computers and accumulation of data on genes and proteins. The nomenclature system adopted in bioinformatics is based on recommendations of International Union of Pure and Applied Chemists. The raw materials for bioinformatic studies on macromolecular structures are Protein Data Bank files..