We are confronted with the task of producing scaling functions φ: R —► C having the following properties: (a)


If all these conditions are met, then Theorem (5.13) will provide us with an orthonormal basis of wavelets having compact support. Condition (a) immediately implies φ E L 1 and φ E C°°; furthermore, we know from (5.6) that only finitely many hk are nonzero. It follows that the generating function

is a trigonometric polynomial satisfying the identity

(1) and having the special values H( 0 ) = 1 , Η(π) = 0 ; see (5.10). The systematic construction of polynomials with these properties is an alge­ braic problem that we shall take up in the next section. For the moment we assume that we have such an H at our disposal, and we begin our undertaking by showing that the corresponding scaling function φ, if there is one at all, is uniquely determined by H. Applying (b) recursively r times we obtain

and, therefore, because of (c),


if the infinite product converges. In this regard, we show:

(6 .1 ) Assume that the generating function H € C 1 satisGes the identity (1) as well as H(0) = 1. Then the product (2) converges locally uniformly on R to a function φ e L2.