G− obeys Newton's second law (2.9), which reads

vEe dt vdme

GGG α−−= (12.1) where represents a damping force, acting against the velocity, due to collisions with the ions. If there are N electrons in a volume V, that is a free charge density

vGα− ,V/ neNe −=−=ρ all moving with the same velocity ,vG the magnitude of the electric

current is defined as the time rate of charge through the normal cross section of area S, that is

dqI neSv dt

Svρ= = − = (12.2) and Eq.(12.1) becomes

dI ne SE dII d dt m m mI ne SE

α α α= − = −− t

Integrating gives

ln e

ne SEI t m α

α ⎛ ⎞

C− = − +⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

By applying the condition of initial zero current 0=I at 0=t we obtain

( )2 /1 et mne SEI e αα −= − (12.3) which shows an exponential rise, approaching the steady current

V l SneISEneI α=α=

22 or (12.4)

where the electric field has been expressed in terms of the potential difference V applied across the ends of a conductor of finite length l, according to Eq.(11.8). If we write

2 l lR S Sne

α σ= =

the equation (12.4) becomes RIV = (12.5)

This equation is known as Ohm's law. The constant R is called the resistance of the conductor, and the electrical conductivity σ is defined as

2neσ α= (12.6)

The charge flow is always tangential to the electric field lines so that it is convenient to define a current density field ,j

G of magnitude given by the current flow

per unit normal area, as

ordIj v j dS

vρ ρ= = =G G (12.7)

The current I then represents the flux of current density across an arbitrary section of the conductor

I j dS= ⋅∫ GG (12.8) For an elementary volume of the conductor, illustrated in Figure 12.1, substituting Eqs.(12.6) and (12.7) into Eq.(12.4) gives ordI EdS j dS E dSσ= ⋅ =σ ⋅G GGG (12.9) which is true however small the cross-sectional area ,Sd

G irrespective of its orientation. It

is therefore clear that is proportional to j G


with σ being the constant of proportionality, that is

Ej GG σ= (12.10)



Figure 12.1. A tube of current flow in a conductor The differential form (12.10) of Ohm's law, which is formally similar to Eq.(11.28) defining the proportionality of ED

GG and in a dielectric, is often regarded as a

constitutive relation for a conductor. The law of energy conservation in a conductor, under a stationary field ,E

G is

exactly analogous to the form of the circulation law (11.6) for electrostatics. Its alternative form (11.8), upon multiplication of both sides by dq, shows that the decrease

of potential energy along the current flow line, in a time interval can be expressed by

(qVd− ) ,dt

( ) 2V VJ dq E drdP d E v j E d E ddt ρ ⋅= = ⋅ = ⋅ = G

Vσ G G GGG (12.11)

which gives the power per unit volume as 2/ VJP Eσ= (12.12) This is Joule's law, which can also be written in an integral form by considering a finite volume of the conductor. It follows that Sl=V

( )( ) ( ) 22J VP E El S jS V IV RI Rσ= = = = = (12.13) where V stands for the potential difference applied across the ends of the current flow line. Let us now consider the flux of the current density ,j

G that is the current crossing a

closed surface S, enclosing a volume V (Figure 12.2). The total current flowing out of S must be equal to the time rate of decrease of charge inside S, that is


j dS d d t t

ρρ∂ ∂⋅ = − = −∂ ∂∫ ∫ ∫ V GG


The left hand side transforms according to Gauss's divergence theorem and so

V Vj d d t ρ∂∇ ⋅ = − ∂∫ ∫


which is equivalent to

0j t ρ∂∇ ⋅ + =∂

G (12.15)

Equation (12.15) is called the equation of continuity for currents, on account of its similarity with Eq.(6.11) for fluid flow.