Russian architects' interest in Scandinavian heritage had a visible impact on the course of development of Russian national architecture in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Motifs from Norwegian medieval architecture became a significant source of inspiration for the European Art Nouveau/Jugendstil, suggesting alternative treatments and embellishments. After the Second World War, the actual Kaiser's wing of the lodge was removed to Kaliningrad and reassembled, but without the outbuildings and embellishments. The process of internationalization of historical knowledge on wooden architecture was taking place in Norway as well. The Nordic theme was to become an inseparable part of culture in Norway and Russia in the late nineteenth century. Besides the North-Western Russian phenomenon associated with Benois, Vladovskii and Mamontov with his ephemeral "Nordic idea", Siberian wooden architecture of the early twentieth century also displayed distinctive, direct borrowings from the Scandinavian "Dragon Style".