This chapter presents an introduction to the Senior Cohort. The name of this cohort was Community of Student Investors (CSI), with the core courses of COM 100 (Marren), SOC 100 (Wall), CWP 101 (Taylor), MAT 103 (Hajikandi), and BSC 101 (Paige). The extracurricular activities for this cohort were an Underground Railroad Tour with a stop at Niagara Falls; attending a faculty presentation at the SUNY Buffalo State International Anne Frank Project by Professors Wall, Paige, and Marren entitled "Redefining the Soldiers of Social Justice"; the closing LC Symposium; and a final, farewell meal at the end of the semester. This cohort went to the Roycroft Inn and Campus in East Aurora, NY, for lunch and a tour of Elbert Hubbard's famous arts and crafts community. This was a tie-in with the book City of Lightthat was read in BSC 101 and the many social issues discussed in SOC 100 and COM 100.