This chapter introduces some basic concepts of Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming in Excel®. After studying the chapter, readers will be able to know how to run VBA macros or programs; understands regular and class modules; and use the Excel® macro record to create VBA macros. VBA is a programming language created by Microsoft® to automate operations in Microsoft Office® applications such as Excel®, Access®, Word®, PowerPoint®, and Outlook®. VBA is a powerful tool that enables you to do whatever you need to do in your job. With VBA, you can do anything that you can do manually and do many things that Excel® does not allow you to do manually. In particular, VBA allows you to automate a recurring task, repetitive task, run a macro automatically if an event occurs, build custom functions, build a customized interface, manipulate files and folders, and manipulate Microsoft Office® applications.