This chapter appraises the impact of the Nigerian government's conditional cash transfer program tagged "In Care of the People" (COPE) on the poverty of aged-headed household (AHH) beneficiaries. Most authors have examined the conceptual and institutional frameworks for poverty alleviation programs in Nigeria and successive governments' previous and current initiatives at poverty alleviation/reduction, their targets, and nature of intervention. The instrument of analysis made use of purposive and random sampling to target AHH beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries between the ages of 65 and 92, community leaders, and government officials in Bayelsa State of Nigeria. Hence the findings are not meant to be representative of the perception of all COPE AHH beneficiaries on the extent to which their poverty has been reduced. In addition, government should provide programs for guidance, support, and care for aging populations which should be reflected in its economic and social development strategy documents.