The physical handicap which nature places upon women cannot be removed even by constitutional amendment, and the laws and customs of civilization recognize this handicap and seek to protect women from dangers and hardships that may result from it. Postfeminism is described as a process, an ideology, backlash, or a sentiment that points to a clear and definitive “end” of feminism. People are using the term “postfeminism” to describe a widespread cultural belief that the goals of the feminist project or movement have been met, thus rendering feminism redundant in the present. Gains in the civil and human rights of women in the United States, while real and important, still have not gone far enough, and can be reversed, particularly in regards to reproductive freedom. The most controversial aspect of women’s reproductive freedom in the United States is women’s right to have an abortion without the risk of being criminalized or so regulated that the right becomes, in practice, unattainable.