Chapters 11 to 15 discuss in more detail and in the context of the chapters on subjective values and the distribution of power in society, the stages in the process of policy development. In the formative years of writing on the policy process a starting point was to identify a number of interlinking stages that were involved in determining the policy development, as critically outlined in Chapter 2. It can be conceded that for the sake of clarity policy activists must be involved in ensuring a number of functions. These include in this chapter how policy problems may arise, and how they become part of a government’s agenda. Chapter 12 considers how these policy issues are evaluated and then subject to validation, that is, as opposed to objective rationalisation of policy in as much as this is possible, subjected to arguments for or against policy proposals that suit the government’s interest. Chapter 13 considers how policy taken up by governments is refined and legitimated, whilst Chapter 14 analyses implementation and the following chapter how that policy may evolve.