This chapter presents examples that might guide in establishing viable agendas for global public health practice that counter neoliberal tendency through emphasising advocacy, self-determination, and social justice. As political violence weakens the welfare apparatus of states that already were suffering, health scholars charge that the neoliberal agenda fits exceedingly well within inter- and intra-state conflicts. Consistent with the neoliberal model, within political violence and its aftermath, the functions of the state with regards to health and welfare are increasingly privatised, and recovery efforts are pushed off to civil society. The field of global public health absolutely can engage in emancipatory processes as we respond to the ways political violence undermines health. During the reconstruction period in 2007, a new mental health plan was generated by/with professionals who were from, in the most part, the United States and the United Kingdom. The case of mental health in post-conflict Iraq is a good example of health imperialism.