The majority o f Arabic materials relating to the life o f al-Kanimi are in manuscript form and are located in various Nigerian collections. Ahmadu Bello University Library. Zaria; University of Ibadan Library; Jos Museum; the Centre of Arabic Documentation, Ibadan; and the Nigerian National Archives, Kaduna. A catalogue o f the Ahmadu Bello University manuscript collection was published in the First Interim Report o f the Northern History Research Scheme, Zaria, 1966. A catalogue of the Jos collection was published by Aida S. Arif and Ahmad M. Abu Hakim in Descriptive Catalogue o f Arabic Manuscripts in Nigeria (lx>ndon: Luzac and Co., Ltd.. 1965). the Libyan State Archive, Tripoli, promises to yield significant material on Bornu. although nothing yet has emerged specifically on alKanimi For a discussion o f the Tripoli archives see B. G. M artin's tw o articles. "Five Letters from the Tripoli Archives." Journal o f the Historical Society o f Nigeria. II, No. 3 (December 1962). pp. 350-372; and “Turkish Archival Sources for West African History.” African Studies Bulletin. X. No. 3 (December 1967). pp. 59-65.