This chapter introduces decoloniality and its implications for global governance. It explains what decoloniality is, how it differs from post-coloniality, and why we should decolonize. Decoloniality helps to achieve greater equity and justice in the world-of-worlds. The chapter draws on decolonial analyses of the three prevailing global institutions: International relations (IR), liberal capitalism, and modern love. Theories of IR—especially those of international organization and global governance—seek to persuade why one approach matters more than another. The chapter details four main schools of decoloniality: realism, liberalism, Marxism, and constructivism. Decolonial analysis offers alternative modes of love and loving, thought and thinking. The chapter illustrates three precolonial sources: Ubuntu, Confucianism, and Sufi Islam. It summarizes decoloniality's several key analytical features. They are situating identities to foreground their agency; voicing alternative ontologies; emphasizing fluidities of play, negotiation, engagement, and disruption in both identity and action; and recognizing the complicities and connections between the material with the ideological with the affective/spiritual.