In its franker days, bolshevism openly avowed its contempt for democracy and democratic process. "Communism rejects parliamentarism", the Second Congress of the Communist International proclaimed in theses drafted by Lenin. Nowhere, in any country of the world, whether Russia or a subjugated satellite, has communism ever won power in a free election. The Communist party, backed by a Communist-infiltrated Socialist party, won by 743 votes in a "country" which had previously "voted" Fascist by the same procedure of importing votes from Italy. Unctuously Pravda continued, the great principles of the Constitution of the USSR, the rights and obligations of Soviet citizens, the Soviet election system, the world's most democratic election system, must also be explained. Choosing the closest comparable date to the election which we have just been following, let us examine the report of the government of West Germany on the number of East Germans who, in the year 1953, "voted with their feet".