Agile methodologies are a family of nontraditional software development strategies that have captured the imagination of many who are leery of traditional, process-laden approaches. Agile methodologies apply to software engineering. The Agile Manifesto was introduced by a number of leading proponents of agile methodologies in order to explain their philosophy. Agile software development methods are a subset of iterative methods that focus on embracing change and emphasize collaboration and early product delivery, while maintaining quality. Extreme Programming (XP) is one of the most widely used agile methodologies. Scrum, which is named after a particularly contentious point in a rugby match, enables self-organizing teams by encouraging verbal communication across all team members and across all stakeholders. User stories are the most basic unit of requirements in most agile methodologies. In story test-driven development (SDD), many of the usual customer-facing features of agile methodologies are incorporated along with short bursts of iterative development a la XP or Scrum.