Ursula, born three years after Jürgen in 1907, would become the most politically radical of all her siblings. She was to achieve renown or notoriety, depending on one's political viewpoint, as the successful Soviet secret agent, codenamed 'Sonya'. Already in 1924, Ursula had begun an apprenticeship in a Berlin bookshop that specialised in law and political science. Through her membership of the communist movement she had by now become involved with a whole number of new contacts and friends from diverse backgrounds which gave her new insights on life. In Berlin Ursula had been able to live and work as she wished and to undertake political and agitational work, as well as become involved in various cultural activities. In China her life was circumscribed. She was expected to behave like all the other wives of the European men who lived and worked there, something that went against the grain. Ursula was a very persuasive and determined woman.