The American Joseph Gould was one of those with a good progressive track record who joined the army under the Roosevelt administration. He had been a motion picture publicist for United Artists in New York, the film studio then owned by Charlie Chaplin and Douglas Fairbanks. He joined the East Coast chapter of the Screen Publicists Guild, which elected him its first president in 1938, and his leadership proved to be effective. Gould contacted Jürgen Kuczynski straight away and asked him if he felt it would be feasible, using US aircraft, to parachute some reliable Germans into Nazi Germany to carry out secret surveillance work there. Jürgen did indeed have the necessary close contacts and was able to recommend a number of candidates. After brief negotiations with the Americans, and after Jürgen had obtained agreement of the Party, he became a member of the United States Armed Forces, with a not insubstantial salary and with the rank of lieutenant colonel.