One section of the Kaonde claims to have been driven from the Barotse Plain by the Luyi. The Lozi have not heard of this and tell of related people who were “ produced ” at the same time as themselves in the Plain where God made wives and begat the tribes. Some of them, like the Lozi, were borne to him by Mbuyamwambwa, his daughter by one of these wives. These were the Kwangwa, Kwandi and Mbowe. Other peoples, such as the Imilangu and Ndundulu, were living to the west. These peoples peacefully accepted Lozi domination. Indeed the tale is that it was they who showed the Lozi what a good thing chieftainship was by presenting part of the catch at a fishing battue to the sons of Mbuyamwambwa. The Lozi then subdued the Kwangwa, who were living on the east margin of the Plain, and later moved them to work iron at the circular plains which are interspersed in the encircling bush. The younger brother of the first king made large conquests to the south, and these were consolidated and extended southwards along the river, and inland from both banks, by later kings. The Lozi did not wage war to the north until the reign of their ninth king, when they report the failure of their armies to conquer the Luena (Lubale), whom they defeated three generations later.