Another name which includes Luena and Luchazi, as well as “new” Mbunda (see below) and Chokwe, is Mawiko, people of the west, used by the Lozi for all these recent immigrants from Angola.(7)

A third inclusive term for Luena, Luchazi, Chokwe and Lunda in North­ ern Rhodesia is Balovale, correctly an alternative name for the Luena, but commonly used in this wider sense by other tribes as well as by Europeans.

(a) Luena or Lwena is the name of a tributary of the Zambezi river,(8) from which, it is thought, the tribal name has been taken. It tends to be used for the more northern members of the tribe, in contrast with Lovale, which is used for those further south, including those in British territory, and from which Balovale District takes its name. The correct terminology is Kalwena or Kalovale in the singular, Valwena or Valovale in the p l u r a l . (2) Variations in orthography include Mulovale or Malovale, used by the Lozi, Aluena with singular Muluena, (9) Lobale(^) or Lobare, Luvale, Lubale and LoenaS1Û Van Bulck uses the term SiLuena for the langu­ age. Tlie northern Luena under Chokwe influence are sometimes called