A chemical agent is an ingredient, which is not yet a chemical weapon. Chemical agents need to be packed in a proper container such as an artillery shell or a bomb for transport. Phosgene is a chlorine derivative, as are many other poisonous gases. If a country had a manufacturing plant, it tended to use it. And if a country had a chemical weapon, it was possible it could use it. There are several different types of chemical agents that can become weapons and nerve gas. Nerve gas was discovered accidently in Germany during the course of developing organophosphate insecticides before World War II. In addition, Schrader developed the nerve agent, cyclosarin, which was designated as GF by the US Army. VX is a nerve gas that was discovered after WWII in the United Kingdom. Acetylcholinesterase is essential for control of nerve transmission. Cyanogen chloride has a code of CK and has the simple chemical structure of CNCl.