Mainly pastoralists, the Saho migrate in winter towards the coastal region, returning in summer to move across the country of the Tigrina-speaking peoples far to the west, across Akele-Guzai and over the Mareb into the Hazamo plain towards the Serai. These movements have led to the settlement of Saho on the plateau where they have adopted the Tigrina or Tigre languages. In the other direction, Tigre and Afar-speaking peoples have moved among the Saho and adopted their language. Settlement in both directions is continually taking place.3 The neighbours of the Saho are to the north, the Tigre-speaking peoples of Samhar; to the south, the Asaimara Afar ; to the east, and especially in the Buri peninsula, Adoimara Afar ; and to the west the Abyssinians.