Violent extremists differ in important characteristics from other violent offenders. Assessment tools for the individual risk and threat of violent extremists require the inclusion of relevant risk-promoting, risk-motivational, and risk-mitigating indicators. Risk assessments are used in the correctional setting for individuals convicted of terrorism offences. The scientific-led approach of individual risk assessments applying methodologies such as structured professional judgment provides analysts with a more defensible, comprehensive, and transparent approach. Individual risk assessment tools for violent extremism should include a comprehensive set of indicators pertinent to risk and threat, including risk-promoting and risk-mitigating or ‘protective’ elements. Terrorism has been defined as the intentional and systemic use of violence or the threat of violence in order to force changes in political behavior. Violent extremism and terrorism are premeditated acts rather than short acts of impulsivity or reactive anger. The indicators included in an individual risk assessment approach for violent extremism are often structured into several categories in developed tools.