Nonrealistic makeup comprises makeups not only of fantasy characters such as monsters, demons, and gnomes, but also various human-looking creatures designed in stylized forms like clowns, zombies, and vampires. The nonrealistic styles can range from theatrical realism or theatricalism to nonrealism. When this nonrealism results from imposing a particular style on the design of the makeup, it is referred to as stylization. In designing a stylized makeup, might begin by thinking in terms of using line, color, and form to heighten, exaggerate, simplify, clarify, satirize, symbolize, or perhaps amuse. In addition to relating to the style of the production, to the play, and to the character, a nonrealistic makeup should also relate to the audience. Stock characters in the Beijing Opera, for example, are well known to audiences. Makeups for nonrealistic and non-human characters may or may not be nonrealistic in style.