The artists most likely depicted the Ramayana by Valmiki when it arrived in Myanmar from India. Myanmar Ramayana stage presentation differs from that of the Thai as the players lift up their masks to speak and to articulate the dialogue; whereas in Thailand, the masks are never lifted and the players never utter any words. Myanmar Ramayana stage presentation differs from that of the Thai as the players lift up their masks to speak and to articulate the dialogue; whereas in Thailand, the masks are never lifted and the players never utter any words. The stage for the Ramayana dramatic performance was only an open court that was lighted with lamps and torches at first as seen by Michael Symes in 1795. When the Ramayana was staged in the Myanmar court during the Konbaung period, it was a grand performance. The actors wore exotic costumes, masks, and headdresses supplemented by recitation, narrative, and music.