Datharahta, King of Ayodaya, learns of the impending attack and leads his army to fight the enemy. A large group of hermits inhabit a refuge in another forest near the kingdom of Ayodaya. Vithwa-mitta, the head hermit, goes to see the King of Ayodaya and asks him for Rama's assistance and says that he will take him to his refuge where the demons are ravaging the pavilion. As Rama prepares to leave, his brother, Lakkhana, volunteers to accompany him. Uppathri, a beautiful apsara, approaches Rama to thank him for killing the demon. She thanks Rama, bids him farewell, and then returns to Tavatimtha to serve Indra. Rama, by virtue of his power, commands that the arrows stay in a safe place and are only to return when he wants them. When Thida sees Prince Rama, memories of past encounters in their previous lives arise and she wishes fervently that he will win the contest.