Through the course of this book, you have learned about new and upcoming features of JavaScript and another execution environment of Node and NPM, which are robust tools that just about any modern web developer will have on their computer. You played with the Grunt task runner that you can use to customize your project workspace to work for you (or you can find others who have done this already via Yeoman). Your introduction to these tools was in the context of making games using Phaser, an ever-evolving library built for making spectacular HTML5 games that work across a range of devices. As you progressed through the examples, hopefully, you finally got a good taste of what it takes to make a game in this particular environment. The HTML5 game development world is a challenging one because it is still in a state of flux and evolution. Even as you read this book now, new approaches, techniques, and tutorials will have been released on the Internet that cover Phaser or other HTML5 game engines. Even Phaser itself will most likely be updated and will probably even receive updates if you keep working with it past the scope of this book.