The investigation of molecular movements is of utmost importance

for the characterization of liquid-crystalline (LC) dendrimers both

in their fundamental and technological oriented aspects. In this

chapter we will discuss the application of experimental techniques

presented in Chapter 7 to the study of molecular dynamics in the

mesophases of various LC dendrimers among those introduced in

Chapter 3. As pointed out before, different types of molecular move-

ments exhibited by liquid crystals (namely rotations/reorientations,

self-diffusion, and collective modes) can be detected by proton

nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxometry. The characteristic

timescales of specific molecular motions vary over several orders of

magnitude and can be probed by using values of NMR static field,

corresponding to Larmor frequencies of the order of the inverse

of those timescales. Therefore, having access to a wide range of

NMR frequencies is ideal for molecular dynamics investigations.

This is achieved through the combination of standard and fast-

field-cycling (FFC) NMR techniques. Typically, in low-molecular-

weight liquid crystals, the molecular dynamics timescales vary from

picoseconds to nanoseconds formolecular rotations/reorientations,

from nanoseconds to microseconds for molecular self-diffusion and

frommicroseconds tomilliseconds or slower in the case of collective
