This chapter focuses on the application of Nb Josephson junctions (JJs) in quantum annealing (QA). It begins with a brief introduction to diffident strategies for implementing quantum computation (QC) with an emphasis on quantum annealing. The chapter presents the basic physics of the simplest superconducting flux qubit: radio frequency superconducting quantum interference devices (RF-SQUID). It gives a brief description on the design and realization of couplers, and control and measurement circuitry using Nb Josephson junctions. The chapter describes a scalable architecture upon which quantum annealing processors consisting up to 1024 superconducting flux qubits made of more than 104 Nb Josephson junctions. It discusses evidence on whether D-Wave 2X, which is the latest quantum annealing processor available, works as expected. The chapter also focuses on the physics and application of RF-SQUID flux qubits because the fundamental building blocks of the most advanced quantum annealers demonstrated so far are variations of superconducting flux qubits with one Josephson junction, a.k.a. the RF-SQUID.