This chapter summarises the senior non-medical staff from the beginning of the Great War and during the inter-war years. The inter-war years were ones of increasing specialisation. The Seamen's Hospital Society (SHS), not to be out-done by this trend, appointed several staff members who were specialists in their respective fields. Following the war, Chandler was elected to the staff of the London Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, and in 1922 to Charing Cross Hospital; in 1930 he resigned the latter appointment, and became assistant physician to St Bartholomew’s Hospital. The chapter explores the medical/surgical staff of the SHS sanatorium during the inter-war years. The two surgeons appointed at this establishment were, respectively – a local general practitioner /surgeon, and a leading authority on the management of tuberculosis. Sundell was of course already on the staff of the Dreadnought hospital.