Molar incisor hypoplasia (MIH) is a condition that affects the incisors and molar teeth. Hypocalcification often appears as white spots on the teeth. The lesions normally become apparent at the time of eruption of the permanent teeth. The molar teeth are worse affected than the incisor teeth. These lesions often are referred to as "cheese molars" owing to the consistency and appearance of the lesions on the molar teeth. Molar teeth with hypocalcification are porous and soft. These affected teeth can be very sensitive to air and cold, warm, and mechanical stimuli. Even tooth brushing may create toothache in these teeth. The extreme sensitivity that these children experience causes further deterioration of the tooth because the child cannot brush the teeth, which are too sensitive. Children with MIH can have more intense dental sensitivity from temperature variations, and there is innervation density in the area of the hypoplasia and the subodontoblastic region of hypomineralized teeth compared with sound teeth.