Physical cosmology analyzes the whole universe through both mathematics and observation, and particularly studies the origin of the Universe. The presence of the tessellattice, as an arena in which all events take place, requires a reconsideration of some basic principles of the cosmological model. The standard model of cosmology requires an infinite flat universe that is expanding under the pressure of dark energy. The phenomenon of Cosmic Microwave Background radiation (CMB) discovered in 1964 is considered to be most important argument in support of Big Bang model of the Universe. Plasma cosmology denies the original Big Bang and operates within an eternal space that allows a large-scale structure of universe. In fact, a spacecraft moves through viscous network formed by standing inerton waves of interacting stars, planets and other cosmic objects. Observational cosmology has established a list of cosmological parameters, which were formed on the basis of the Friedmann model, determined to one or two significant figure accuracy.