154Pest problems are an almost inevitable part of agriculture. Entomopatho- gens form an interesting area of research in pest management as being one of the most important tools of environmental friendly, applicable, and effective pest management strategies worldwide. In this respect, use of entomopathogenic organisms has turned out to be an important substitute in pest management. Entomopathogens are increasingly used in IPM in recent times and the increasing numbers of products are making their way to the marketplace. Entomopathogens have been suggested as controlling agents of insect pests for over a century, and biopesticides based on bacteria, viruses, entomopathogenic fungi, and nematodes are often considerable scope as plant protection agents against several insect pests and mites. Naturally occurring entomopathogens are important regulatory factors in insect populations. The knowledge of nutritional requirements is the main need in the cultivation of microorganisms using any cultural technique. The carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids are made up of microelements like carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus, and these are involved in mechanisms like host pathogen interaction and self-defense mechanisms. Production of good quality inoculums in an adequate quantity is an essential component of the biocontrol program.