286ICRH-DAC (Data Acquisition and Control) controls and monitors the RF power (1.5 MW, 20-40 MHz) to dummy load/Aditya/SST-1 tokamak [1]. ICRH system has to be used for interface and antenna conditioning, heating, pre-ionization, and current drive experiments in the tokamak machines. It is necessary that DAC system should provide flexibility to generate variable duty cycles and variable amplitude pulses upto maximum duration. Generation of this RF-shot pulse by DAC is very critical task as system operational performance monitoring and post-acquisition shot analysis is referenced from this pulse only.[2]

During the high power testing of 1.5 MW tube, it was observed that HVPS overshoots as current drawn from power supply increased beyond 22 A, towards the end of pulse as this is unregulated supply and this limitations preventing further higher power commissioning work. To overcome this over shoot problem DAC hardware pulse generation facility is modified and new circuit is integrated with the DAC hardware and software. This report discusses functionality of in-house developed hardware and application software associated with pulse generation, integration with the system, and test results.