Using the standard reductive perturbation technique (KPT), ion-acoustic dressed solitons have been studied in an electron-positron-ion plasma with 124the nonisothermal distribution of electrons. To the lowest order, a modified Schamel Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation associated with (1+1/2) nonlinearity, also known as Schamel-mKdV model, has been derived. RPT is further extended to include the contribution of higher order nonlinear and dispersion terms. Using renormalization method, a stationary solution resulting from higher order perturbation theory has been found. Results of numerical computation for such contribution are shown in the form of graphs in different parameter regimes and a comparison with earlier investigations has been made. Such study is relevant to understand physics of astrophysical and cosmic plasmas, where e-p jets enter in cold interstellar environment.