The family Conidae has nearly 500-600 species, which have a distinctively similar shape. Characteristic features of this family are: a flat top, conical shell, and a long slit-like aperture lip extending from a very short siphonal opening to nearly the top. Some species have moderate spires, although generally similar. Shell may be smooth or spirally ornamented, and the patterns and colors are extraordinarily varied. All the species of this family are carnivorous and feed on other molluscs (molluscivores), worms (vermivores and small fish (piscivores), which they stun by projecting a venomous harpoon connected to a muscular poison gland. The cone can extend its proboscis lightning fast for a lethal sting and engulf and digest a fish the size of its shell or larger. In some cone species, the venom is powerful enough to be lethal to collectors and sea-goers who are

not careful in handling cone snails in live condition. Interestingly, specific components of the toxin complex of certain cone species are currently finding important medical uses.