Herbal metabolomics is unbiased, high-performance, and specific analysis of highly complex mixtures of plant extracts. Metabolomics is rapidly evolving as the approach of choice across a broad range of sciences including phytomedicine. The pharmacokinetics of multi-component therapeutics is a great technical challenge, which has led to significant limitations in understanding the efficacies and toxicities of combination drugs and herbal medicines. Metabolomics has clearly demonstrated its value in elucidating the interaction of the biological systems, genome with its environments, and recently been used in the pharmacokinetics (PK) analysis of drugs, xenobiotics, and several nutrients. The pharmacokinetics of multi-component therapeutics is a great technical challenge, which has led to significant limitations in understanding the efficacies and toxicities of combination drugs and herbal medicines. Screening of preparations in metabolomics laboratories can also provide complementary information on other plant and pharmaceutical agents.