Aletris farinosa is a perennial herb spreading by means of underground rhizomes and forming rosettes of leaves. Leaves are narrow, up to 20 cm long, bright yellowish- green. Costus igneus is a perennial, upright, spreading plant reaching about two feet tall, with the tallest stems falling over and lying on the ground. Leaves are simple, alternate, entire, oblong, evergreen, 4-8 inches in length with parallel venation. Costus pictus has long narrow leaves with characteristic wavy edges. The bases of the sheaths are mottled with markings that have earned the plant the synonym of Costus hieroglyphica. Costus speciosus is a succulent, erect, perennial, ornamental, herbaceous plant, root stock tuberous stem, sub-woody at the base, thick creeping rhizomes growing up to 2-2.7 meter height with long lanceolate leaves and white fragrant flowers in terminal clusters. It is tall and dramatic landscape plant with large dark green, subsessile, elliptic or obovate leaves arranged on the stalk in spiral form.