This chapter provides general information about two 32/16-bit timers used in the MSP432P401R MCU system and discusses the 32-bit Watchdog timer. Because of the similarity in architecture and operation of these two 32/16-bit timer modules, Timer32_0 and Timer32_1, the chapter focuses on the first 32/16-bit timer module Timer32_0. It concentrates on the architectures and programming interfaces applied on these timer modules. Some example timer implementation projects and applications are also discussed in this chapter. When working as a Watchdog timer, different periods or time intervals can be set up to enable the 32-bit counter to perform an up-count action. After a system reset, the WDT_A module is configured as the Watchdog mode with an initial 10.92 ms reset interval using the SMCLK. When working as an interval timer, the 32-bit counter can periodically generate interrupts as the time interval expires. A mapping among the Timer32 registers and system programming macros is presented with two tables.