This introduction presents an overview of the concepts covered in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book provides a systematic and critical analysis relating to chemical and structural aspects of adsorption of various chemical compounds on mesoporous Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) in solution. It describes the following molecular-level mechanisms of adsorption and desorption: bonding by coordination, Br nsted acid-base interactions, hydrogen bonding, Lewis acid-base interactions, ionic interactions, - π - π interactions, and nonspecific interactions. The book focuses on perspectives and limitations of a wide use of mesoporous MOFs as industrial-scale sorbents. It discusses the stability of mesoporous MOFs in liquid water and in water vapor, and analyses mechanisms of (in) stability. The book serves as a reference handbook for readers in various subfields of chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science, biomedical science, environmental research, and for professionals in academe and industry who work with advanced porous functional materials.