Collars contribute to the style and ultimate look of garments. The season’s fashion trend decides the collar design, style and shapes. Collars can have square or pointed corners or adjusted edges. Collars could be in one piece or cut in two pieces or as a portion of the variety of the pieces of garments. Collars come in different shapes and styles ranging from simple collars such as the stand collar to more complex collars such as the shirt collar but the majority of collars have the same basic construction (Chuter 1995; Shaeffer 2000). A portion of the collars lay level, some fold near the neckline  and others stand up. Irrespective of the style, a neckline should case the wearer’s face, draping elegantly around the neck area, free of pulls, ripples or wrinkles. The parts of a collar are highlighted in the Figure 10.1.