This chapter has considerable information on the anatomy (internal structure) and morphology (external structure) of C. sativa. Additional anatomical and developmental features are described in several of the chapters in this book where they are particularly relevant. Chapter 3, dealing with ecology, contrasts adaptive features of wild and domesticated plants. Chapter 4 describes male and female plants in detail. Chapter 7, on fiber content, deals with stem features, which are critical to fiber characteristics. Chapter 8, on oilseed, deals with structure of the seeds. Chapter 11, on chemical aspects, describes the drug-secreting glands of the plant. Mediavilla et al. (1998) present a detailed analysis of the morphological life cycle of the plant. Chapter 8 in Hayward (1938) provides a detailed analysis of the developmental anatomy of C. sativa. The composite plate shown in Figure 6.1, perhaps the best scientific drawing of the hemp plant ever prepared, illustrates the most important parts of the cannabis plant.