This introductory chapter gives some known facts that will be needed later. The reader can skip it on the first reading and return to it only after being prompted by a reference.

Lemma 1.1. 1◦ A linear bounded operator A acting from one Banach space X into another Y is boundedly invertible if and only if

l(A) := min ‖x‖=1

‖Ax‖ > 0 . (1.1)

In this case,

∥∥A−1∥∥ = 1 l(A)

. (1.2)

2◦ For every two linear operators A and B ,∣∣l(A)− l(B)∣∣ ≤ ‖A−B‖ . Proof. 1◦ Let A be boundedly invertible. If l(A) = 0, then there exists a sequence xn with ‖xn‖ = 1 & ‖Axn‖ < 1/n , so that

∥∥A−1∥∥ := sup ‖y‖=1

∥∥A−1y∥∥ ≥ ∥∥∥∥A−1 Axn‖Axn‖ ∥∥∥∥ = 1‖Axn‖ > n .