It certainly is a rare day when a laboratory animal facility manager can sit back, look at the ceiling, and feel guilty about having nothing to do. Most of the time, facility managers are juggling three or four major projects, along with their routine responsibilities, while trying to maintain the productivity of the animal facility. That’s just the beginning of the time crunch, particularly for a seasoned manager who may get more and more work delegated to him. People are working longer days than ever before, taking their work with them on their vacations, taking their work home, and neglecting their family life (although the actual divorce rate has not been increasing). Then, of course, the inevitable emergency arises at the worst possible moment. What can we do to remain sane? How do we find enough time to do our work? This chapter will discuss day-to-day time management. Time and time limits are also part of the vision and strategic plans discussed in Chapter 1.