Staphylococci are not considered among the bacteria with high spoilage potential; especially in the case of fermented meat products, in which they constitute a part of the technological microbiota. However, in nitrate-cured spontaneously fermented meat products an inability for the development of the desired bright red color of nitrosylmyoglobin is observed and the brown color of metmyoglobin prevails. This may be due to the lack of effective nitrate reductase activities by the staphylococci. High nitrate reductase activity is a crucial property; the desired color should be developed during the initial fermentation stages before the accumulated acidity restricts growth of staphylococci. Indeed, in a study by Gotterup et al. (2008) staphylococcal strains with high nitratereductase activity exhibited significantly faster rate of pigment formation; however, the nitrate-reductase activity of the Staphylococcus strains did not allow a direct prediction of the nitrosylmyoglobin formation rate and other factors such as growth characteristics and acid tolerance should also be taken into consideration. Since high nitrate reductase activity is such an important property, selection of the appropriate strains and utilization in the form of starter cultures may ensure color development.